Children Who Wait, Online referrals, April, child, sibling, group, feature, magazine, photo, Advertise, payment, rate, Profile, adoption, social workers

Dates for 2007:

Magazine issue Referrals deadlines Mailing dates CWW Online upload dates:

146 – May 2007 Mon 10 Apr Tue 8 May 13 and 20 Apr

147 – Jun 2007 Mon 14 May Mon 4 June 4 and 8 May

148 – July 200 Mon 11 June Mon 2 July 1, 15 and 29 June

149 – Aug 2007 Mon 9 July Mon 6 Aug 13 and 27 July

150 – Sep 2007 Mon 13 Aug Mon 3 Sept 10, 17 and 31 Aug

151 – Oct 2007 Mon 10 Sep Mon 1 Oct 14 and 28 Sep

152 – Nov 2007 Mon 15 Oct Mon 5 Nov 12 and 19 Oct

153 – Dec 2007 Mon 12 Nov Mon 3 Dec 2,16 and 30 Nov

154 – Jan 2008 Mon 7 Dec Mon 7 Jan 14 Dec

155 – Feb 2008 Mon 14 Jan Mon 4 Feb 4 and 18 Jan

156 – Mar 2008 Mon 11Feb Mon 3 Mar 1, 15 and 29 Feb

157 – Apr 2008 Mon 10 Mar Mon 31 Mar 14 and 28 Mar

We must receive Children Who Wait Online referrals one week before the date they are due to be uploaded. Any received after this date will be uploaded on the following upload date.


Feature Rates 2007 – 2008

From 1 April 2007 – 31 March 2008

Children Who Wait magazine

Feature size Feature detail Agency member rate Non-member rate:

Quarter page One child with one photo and a £235 £360

profile of 130 words max.

Third page For one child or sibling group; £325 £460

one photo; profile of 150 words max.

Half page For one child or sibling group; one or £425 £625

two photos; profile of 180 words max

Full page For one child or large sibling group; £775 £1050

one or more photos; profile of 250 words max

Children Who Wait magazine and Online

If you feature a child in the magazine, you can also feature them Online for a discounted rate.

For members, simply add £75 to the magazine rate (£100 for non-members). These rates are for the feature to remain online for one month.

Quarter page and Online £310 £460

Third page and Online £400 £560

Half page and Online £500 £725

Full page and Online £850 £1150

To feature a child only on Children Who Wait Online: £310 £420

Rates do not include VAT, which will be added to your invoice.

Repeat features: We offer a discount of 21/2 per cent for first and second repeat features, and 5 per cent thereafter.

Discounts for agency members Adoption UK agency members receive large discounts when featuring in Children Who Wait.

For information about becoming an agency member please contact
Michéle McNeill, Membership Services Manager, on
01295 752249 or

Responses to features:
• Please make sure that you supply us with the correct contact details. Let us know immediately if these change.

• Please return calls and/or emails from families promptly.

• Please bear in mind that some calls may be from people enquiring about children for the first time and they may be anxious, nervous and need general guidance on adoption issues.

Obtaining forms

Please ensure you have the current Agreement form and Referral forms – there are separate forms for Children Who Wait Online. To obtain the forms you require, please call 01295 752961, or email

Alternatively, the Agreement form, Referral form, this Featuring Guide and other Children Who Wait information can be downloaded from our website – and click on ‘agencies’ then ‘downloadable forms’.

Please send your Referral and Agreement forms, with photograph, either by email to;

or by post to: Children Who Wait,
Adoption UK,
46 The Green,
South Bar Street,
Oxon OX16 9AB

For enquiries call 01295 752961, or


Magazine features can be cancelled, without charge, up to a week after the deadline date. Cancellations made after this date will be invoiced in full.

Online features can be cancelled up to one week before the upload deadline without charge.

What to do now:
To feature a child, either in the magazine or online, please ensure you use the current forms.

You can email the Referral form and photograph (if digital) to us. Alternatively fax or post the two forms, and post the photograph to Adoption UK. Please check you have indicated the feature size.

When requesting a repeat feature, please be aware that it remains the responsibility of the local authority making the referral to inform

us of any relevant changes in the child’s profile that may have occurred since the last feature. Please indicate clearly which issues you would like the profile to be repeated in.

Ensure that all social workers who are likely to feature children in Children Who Wait are fully aware of our terms and conditions.

Though we are flexible with referral deadlines, we would appreciate it if you could send your referrals as early as possible.

Please contact us to let us know if you are unable to send your referral by the deadline date and would like an extension.

We cannot guarantee that any referral received after the copy deadline will be included in that issue. These will be placed on a reserve list and you will be given the option to include them in the next issue.

We send out regular email reminders about deadline dates. We also send emails advising agencies when there is still

space available after the deadline has passed. Please do not send a cheque until you receive an invoice which we will send after each issue of Children Who Wait has been published.

Access to Children Who Wait Online

If you would like view Children Who Wait Online before making a referral, you will need a username, password and email address which we issue to agencies. Please contact us to obtain these.

The Children Who Wait team

Editor: Elizabeth Perry 01295 752962
Editorial Assistant: Pippa Heath 01295 752961
Fax: 01295 752241

To enable us to provide statistical information about Children Who Wait, we will send you a follow-up form with the letter acknowledging receipt of the child’s profile.

We would be grateful if you could complete and return this to us.

• Reach an audience of over 3,000 prospective adopters

• Monthly publication

• No placement fees

• Competitive rates for featuring; discounts for agencies and repeat features

• Immediate changes to profiles Online

• Secure Online profiles can be viewed at any time

• Agency contact details included so prospective adopters can contact you directly

• Online profiles uploaded twice a month

Children Who Wait Featuring Guide

The benefits of using Children Who Wait and Children Who Wait Online
This guide explains all you need to know about featuring children in our family-finding magazine and on our secure Online site

How to feature a profile It’s easy to feature children in Children Who Wait magazine and on Children Who Wait Online.
Simply complete an Agreement form and a Referral form, and send us a photograph of the child – and we will do the rest.

If you have any queries about how to make a referral, contact us and we will be happy to help.

The Agreement form: This asks for information on the legal status of the children.
It is important for the agency to confirm that they have the correct permissions to feature the children (please refer to ‘Agreement for Featuring’ section later.)

Appropriate legal approval is required for each child to be featured and the responsibility for obtaining this approval lies with the referring agency.
If you are featuring a child in the magazine, ensure you select the feature size required and indicate if you would like to repeat the feature in subsequent issues.
We offer a discount of 21/2 per cent for first and second repeat features, and a 5 per cent discount thereafter.
Please note: the agency is responsible for the accuracy of all the details provided with the referral, and we require an authorising signature to confirm this.
The Agreement form should be faxed or posted to Adoption UK.

The Referral form:
The child’s profile must be submitted using this form.
It can either be emailed directly to Adoption UK, or printed and faxed or posted.
Profiles should be typed rather than handwritten.
Word limit: If the submitted profile exceeds the maximum number of words allowed by more than 30 words, then a £40 editorial charge will be added to the invoice.
Please remember that the word count for a profile includes all words - from the child’s name to the end of the agency contact details.
We do not send out typeset profiles for approval, but we will always contact the agency contact named in the feature if there are areas within the profile which require clarification.

Remember – there is no word limit for profiles featured on Children Who Wait Online.

Photographs and Videos: Remember that a good photograph is essential – it could mean the difference between a prospective adopter stopping to read the profile, or moving on to read about another child.

• Use a portrait shot; ensure the child’s head and shoulders are in the picture.
• Make sure the child is looking at the camera with their head up and, preferably, smiling.

• Check there is nothing behind the child which may distract attention (bright colours, other children).

• The child should be appropriately clothed.

• Try to avoid outside shots where there may be other people or identifiable places in the picture.

There are two ways to submit photographs:

A digital image by email: We need high resolution images, preferably as Jpegs, at least 300dpi at 10cm x 8cm.

An original print by post: Please write the child’s first name and date of birth on the back of the photograph.

If you require the original photograph to be returned, please indicate this.
It is advisable to send photographs by recorded or special delivery.

We cannot accept digital images embedded in word documents or digital images printed on paper.

Please note that scanned photographs are not of a high enough quality for us to use in Children Who Wait Only very high quality scanners can produce the quality of scan necessary for publication.

In circumstances where a photograph cannot be supplied, (e.g. the child is reluctant to have their photograph published or there are legal considerations) a drawing by the child can be sent instead.
If no drawing is available, we have a selection of children’s drawings that we can use.
Children Who Wait Online

There is the opportunity to place several images online.
One of these must be a portrait shot which will be used for the thumbnail image.
The other pictures can be a selection of portrait or action shots, or examples of the child’s drawings. Videos: Videos can also be placed on the website.
This should be in MPG, AVI or MOV format, no bigger than 3MB in size and with suitable permissions.

Whilst there is a need to give as truthful a picture as possible, you should also be mindful of the child having access to their profile in the future, and consider any impact that the written words may have on them.

Words can be interpreted in different ways, and for this reason Adoption UK reserves the right to edit the profiles to promote the child’s personality and situation in a positive light, without clouding issues surrounding the child’s behaviour and experiences.

Writing children’s profiles:

Remember that prospective adopters form their first impressions about the child from the profile and photograph you submit, and they use this information to decide whether to enquire further about the child.

For the magazine you will need to be concise because of the word limits for the different-sized features, but there is unlimited space on Children Who Wait Online for you to give a much more extensive and in-depth profile of the child.
Remember to use simple and accessible language.

Main section:
• We require only the child’s first name and date of birth – not the surname. Pseudonyms or initials are acceptable if these are necessary to maintain privacy for the child.

• There is no need to describe the child’s appearance (unless there is no photograph available).

Do give details of the child’s emotional, physical and mental health, their interests and hobbies and, if appropriate, their relationships with any siblings who they will be placed with.

• If relevant, give details about their education including their progress and if they have a Statement of Special Educational Needs.

• Include information about any disabilities or special needs, with details of how the child is progressing and what future implications there may be.

• It is important to give clear picture of the child’s personality which will attract appropriate enquiries. Remember that the child’s social worker will be able to give more details about the child when an enquiry is received from a family.

1. Ethnic/racial origins:
Include cultural origins, and religious background if appropriate.
2. Family needed
This should describe in as much detail as possible the type of family you are looking for.

Relevant information could include whether the child may be placed with older or younger children;
any geographical restrictions;
any particular educational or parenting skills required;
and the religious or cultural origins of the family needed.
You should also state if you can only consider families who are already approved.

Please state clearly if an adoptive or foster family is needed, or if either would be suitable, and whether a one or two parent family is needed.

3. Contact plans:
This should cover the type and level of contact with birth family members, and other significant figures, that is envisaged for the child.

4. Allowances:
Detail any financial allowances that are applicable to the child.
5. Legal status:
This should give an accurate description of the legal status of the child.
6. Agency contact details:
Please give your correct contact names and details, and let us know immediately if these change.
Prospective adoptive parents will contact you direct if they are interested in a child that you feature so it’s essential your contact details are correct.

Agreement for featuring In England and Wales: The local authority should have the legal authority to place the child for adoption, or have made an application for a placement order, and obtained the court’s consent before referring the child to Children Who Wait.
Under the Adoption and Children Act 2002, authority to place a child for adoption is obtained by the adoption agency having either:

• The formally given and witnessed consent of each parent with parental responsibility and any legal guardian
(including a special guardian) of the child under section 19 of the Act; or
• A placement order granted to the local authority under section 21 of the Act in relation to that child.

Where authority to place a child is by consent under section 19 of the Act, the agency should first obtain the consent of each parent with parental responsibility and legal guardian (including a special guardian) before advertising.
If the child is currently subject to placement order proceedings the local authority must seek the consent of the court to advertise the child.
When a placement order has been granted the consent of the parent or the court is not required.
The local authority can consent to advertising.
However the agency should obtain the consent of the child where the agency considers the child is of sufficient age and understanding.

Transitional issues:
• Freeing orders made before 30 December 2005 will remain in force unless they are revoked or adoption orders are made.

With freeing orders local authorities will have the legal entitlement to feature children.

• Where an application for a freeing order was made before 30 December 2005 and is still pending, the application will continue as an application for a freeing order and, if a freeing order is granted, the agency has the legal entitlement to feature the children.

• While freeing proceedings are pending the agency will need the court’s permission to feature the child in Children Who Wait.

Where the child is subject to a care order, the agency must obtain authority to place the child for adoption (see above), or
have applied for a placement order and obtained the court’s consent before the child can be advertised.

Where a child is the subject of an interim care order (under section 38 of the Children Act 1989) in care proceedings and the plan is for adoption, the local authority must apply for a placement order and it will be necessary to secure the court’s permission before featuring a child.

Where a child is accommodated under section 20 of the Children Act 1989, birth parents will keep their parental responsibility and thus they will need to agree to the child being featured.

In Scotland:
As with the position in England and Wales, at least one person or body with parental responsibility should consent to publicity or the featuring of any child where adoption is the plan.

Where children are under a supervision order granted through the children’s hearings system, or are accommodated by the local authority under section 25 of the Children (Scotland) Act 1989, birth parents will keep their parental responsibility and thus they will need to agree to the child being featured.

However, where a parental responsibility order has been granted, the local authority will have parental responsibility and will not need to obtain the parents’ consent.

However the parents will still have the right to consent to or oppose any future adoption order.

Where children are subject to a freeing order, the local authority will have parental responsibility for the children and will thus be able to feature children.

In all cases

Where there is any doubt about the necessary authority to feature children, the relevant local authority’s legal department should always be consulted.

Post adoption services – Northern Ireland:
The law around adoption in Northern Ireland is currently being revised, and at present there is no equivalent to the England and Wales regulations requiring local authority adoption agencies to undertake an assessment of the support needs of individual adoptive families.

However, under Article 3 and Article 54 of the Adoption (Northern Ireland) Order as amended by paragraph 158 (2) of Schedule 9 to The Children (Northern Ireland) Order 1995, each adoption agency should have a clear post adoption strategy for working with and supporting children, birth families and adoptive families.

The post adoption service recognises the lifelong implications of adoption and maintaining the child’s heritage.

The post adoption service includes:
• Ongoing support for adopted children and their adoptive parents.

• Adoption allowances.

• The Adoption Contact Register.

• Counselling of the adopted child.

• Counselling of adopted adults who wish to obtain their original birth records.

• Counselling of adoptive parents.

• Counselling of birth parents and siblings.

• A recognition by agencies of the need to offer ongoing support and training to adoptive families, due to the trauma adoptees have suffered in their early years.

• Families being advised of local support groups.

• Families being offered parenting support programmes and courses.

• Planned access to the full range of multidisciplinary services, when necessary, in order to maintain the child in the care of his adoptive parents.

• Administration of a postbox service for contact.

For further information please contact the Adoption UK Northern Ireland office
on 028 9446 9493

  • You can also use the Northern Ireland evening helpline (0844 848 7900), available Monday to Thursday, 8pm–10pm.

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    No child can be identified by any posts on this website. Every child should be able to move on in future without reminder of past intervention by any authority. Many victims of the U.K. System are the children.
    We are indeed aware of Article 170: Privacy for children involved in certain proceedings. but also Section 62: Publication of material relating to legal proceedings (251.252.) Which means that nothing can be published that may identify any CHILD during court process yet; Council's can publish photographs and detailed profiles of children online in advertising them for adoption.

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    This website is built for a parent who went through the system and wishes this information was there for them when it was needed.
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