A childrens play park nearby to put the childrens minds at ease whilst the parents are intimidated by the "Formal Meeting Setting and Rules of Conference observed" inside the building behind security code reinforced doors.
The large green fence was put in place April 2007 with new financial year funds, on the Easter weekend the building had been attacked and windows smashed. Senior Management say that in work within the "Child Protection" unit they are "Helping the parents and the community" if this is so then why would the building need the letter box screwed down, the fence errected, and all social service workers to opperate behind reinforced security coded doors.
If the parent summoned to Case Conference or L.A.C. (Looked After Child) review is not intimidated on the way into the building passing sectarian paintings then they will be by the formalities observed during meetings that are secretive, ignore the parents views, and railroad the parent through the "System" that decides that these strangers make life changing decisions on the Parents behalf with or without thier permission or knowing.
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We are indeed aware of Article 170: Privacy for children involved in certain proceedings.
but also Section 62: Publication of material relating to legal proceedings
Which means that nothing can be published that may identify any CHILD during court process yet; Council's can publish photographs and detailed profiles of children online in advertising them for adoption.
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