Social Services Northern Ireland Fermanagh Help Message Board Child Law Chalky, Forced Adopt, Fassit, RPSSUK, NISCC, BASW, WAYPC, WACP, WHSSB, Ombudsman, West Care Social Work Training, Balli, Barnardos, Joseph Rowntree
Non-Government Links. All contacts and issues met by parents whilst in the System.
HELLO, thank you for visiting the Fassit UK website.
If you are a parent or family member searching desperately for advice because the Social Services have wrecked your life by unjustly taking your precious children from you, then this website may help you.
Forced Adoption.
One educated opinion of how social services work to adopt.
Real Picture of Social Services United Kingdom.
What does the term "Social Worker" evoke in your mind?
What do you associate with the term?
Is it a caring professional that helps familes with support and advice? Or is it the dreaded person who takes your children away.....!
Government Links.
Chalky - Child Law Center - Your Rights.
British Association of Social Workers.
We would like to welcome you and thank you for taking the time to visit us. There are two members of staff at British Association of Social Workers N.I. a Professional Officer and an Administrative Officer who both work part-time. There is also an Executive Committee with a Chair and a Deputy Chair. The Committee meets on a bi-monthly basis in Belfast. A Western Branch which has a Committee and Chair meet in the North West.
Welcome to the Northern Ireland Social Care Council website.
NISCC is responsible for raising standards in the Northern Ireland social care workforce. Within the next few years, everyone involved in providing or delivering social work and social care services will be registered with the Council and this means they will meet agreed standards of conduct, practice, education and training.
Whether you are a service user, a carer, a social care worker, an employer, a provider of social work/social care services, or a member of the public, you can use this site to find out what's happening at NISCC and to keep up to date about regulation, education and training for the social care workforce in Northern Ireland.
Check the NISCC Register
You can use this page to check a social care workers registration.
You can search by name, town where the social care worker is currently employed, or by social care registration number. To refine your search results you just fill in more than one field.
Welcome to The Western Health & Social Services Board Website.
The Western Board serves a population of over 288,000 people who live in the District Council areas of Limavady, Derry, Fermanagh, Strabane and Omagh. Our role is to identify health and social care needs and to ensure that services are provided to meet these needs. The Board itself is made up of Executive and Non-Executive Directors and meets in public every two months.
Welcome to the Western Area Children & Young People Committee.
The WACYPC is an organisation composed of senior managers of a number of statutory organisations who are involved in the
planning for the provision of services to families and children.
Western Area Child Protection.
This website provides information about the Western Area Child Protection Committee (ACPC) and the inter-agency work which is undertaken to safeguard children against neglect and abuse in the Western Area.
The vision of the Western Area Child Protection Committee (WACPC) is that children resident within the administrative area of the WHSSB should be brought up in a safe environment which protects them from significant harm.The WACPC enables Agencies to work together to promote the well-being and protection of children through agreed policies, procedures and strategies underpinned by appropriate training.
Childrens Law Center Based in Northern Ireland.
Using the Law to Promote, Protect and Realise Children's Rights
The Health Service Ombudsman.
Can carry out independent investigations into complaints about poor treatment or service provided through the NHS in England. If you have suffered because you received poor service or treatment or were not treated properly or fairly - and the organisation or practitioner hasn't put things right where they could have - we may be able to help.
Our investigators look into complaints against NHS services provided by hospitals, health authorities, trusts, GPs, dentists, pharmacists, opticians and other health care practitioners. We can also investigate complaints against private health providers if the treatment was funded by the NHS.
Social Services Training.
This department provides quality training and staff development, underpinned by a Social Work Value Base, for a range of Social Services staff on a multi-disciplinary, inter-agency basis, as required, to enable and promote best practice in working appropriately with services users.
The Training Team subscribes to the Equal Opportunities Policy of Westcare and seeks to promote anti-discriminatory practice and social justice through its training at all levels of the Social Care/ Social Work Continuum.
Freedom to Care.
Do we have any choice? When we are told of abuse by other staff, if we do not do every thing in our power to bring it to light and try to get it dealt with properly, we become colluders with a cover-up. The cost is often high, as the following stories show, but the benefits are that each whistleblower contributes to changing the climate and culture of social care to challenge the acquiescence with malpractice of too many organisations- and standing against abuse cover-ups means giving a voice to the victims.
Legal Links.
British and Irish Legal Information Institute.
Access to Freely Available British and Irish Public Legal Information.
Welcome to BAILII, where you can find British and Irish case law & legislation, European Union case law, Law Commission reports, and other law-related British and Irish material.
The Information Commissioner's Office.
Is the UK's independent authority set up to promote access to official information and to protect personal informationPersonal information
Worried about your personal information?
Want to know more about data protection?.
Information Links.
Signs and Effects of Abuse.
Research shows that emotional abuse signs differ not only according to age, but in many cases, according to gender. These contrasting signs are in part due to styles of parenting boys vs. parenting girls. Boys are still taught that crying is not masculine, and that displaying anger and other physical behaviours are acceptable. Girls are taught that anger is not ladylike and that showing emotion is part of being female. These differing social expectations contribute to the way each display signs of emotional abuse.
Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
We are one of the largest social policy research and development charities in the UK, spending about £10 million a year on a research and development programme that seeks to better understand the causes of social difficulties and explore ways of overcoming them.
Has been working in Northern Ireland for over 105 years. Today in over 40 services rooted in communities across the length and breadth of Northern Ireland we reach out to 11,000 children, young people and their families every year..
Disclaimer: Content on this site is placed Without – Prejudice.
Search this site.
No child can be identified by any posts on this website. Every child should be able to move on in future without reminder of past intervention by any authority. Many victims of the U.K. System are the children.
We are indeed aware of Article 170: Privacy for children involved in certain proceedings.
but also Section 62: Publication of material relating to legal proceedings
Which means that nothing can be published that may identify any CHILD during court process yet; Council's can publish photographs and detailed profiles of children online in advertising them for adoption.
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This website is built for a parent who went through the system and wishes this information was there for them when it was needed.
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