Action plan. Foreword In April 2002, the Western Area Children and Young People’s Committee published its second Children’s Services Plan, for the period 2002-2005.
About Foster Care. Many local authorities have promoted the participation of children and young people in service development. Evidence from this review shows that their views are increasingly influential. Several agencies made explicit reference to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, including the right to participate in decisions about themselves. This guide contains imaginative methods that can be used to bring the views of young people to the attention of managers and members.
Care Court Check. Care The Starting Point These are cases brought under part 4 of the Children Act 1989.
Family Division Court Case
Contact. DIRECT CONTACT means meetings between the child/young person and birth family members and/or significant others, and includes phone calls, texting and emails. INDIRECT CONTACT mean letters and cards from members of the birth family and /or significant others, usually through a third person.Contact is a key issue for children and they often have ambivalent feelings, both wanting it but feeling distressed at the same time.
Child Protection Register. The principal purpose of the register is to make agencies and professionals aware of those children who are judged to be at continuing risk of significant harm and in need of actual safeguarding through an Inter-Agency Child Protection Plan. The Custodians of the Register ensure that Protection Plans are formally reviewed, initially after 3 months and subsequently every 6 months.
Family care Court. What are family courts? Family courts are there to make important decisions when families can’t agree by themselves the arrangements for their children. Family courts are very different from criminal courts. Remember, you have done nothing wrong – what’s happening is not your fault.
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In Care. Although there are some difficulties with researching children’s views, we can be fairly confident about the general findings, which are true for many children. Children want different things to suit their individual circumstances, but they all desire: an ‘ordinary’ family life, and not to feel ‘different’ maintain relations with their birth understand why they’re in care, and to have an explanation be listened to about where they want to be, and to have an element of control, to be valued, respected, encouraged (for example, at school) and to be appreciated for themselves. With some exceptions, foster children generally feel positive about being in foster care.
Northern Ireland Minister Health and Social Services. 15 May 2007 - New approaches needed to help children in care - McGimpsey. Government must work together and develop new approaches to improving services for children in care, Health Minister, Michael McGimpsey,
About Sperrin Lakeland Trust. Child Protection Social Work staff in both Trusts work in partnership with families and other agencies to keep children safe in the WHSSB area. The volume and complexity of work associated with protecting children continues to be at a high level. The WACPC Annual Report has identified that in the past year (2002 / 03) there were 504 potential at risk referrals to social services.
Statistics and Data Sperrin Lakeland Trust. Nos and ages of Children and Young People in each Western District Council Area, NISRA 2004 Mid-Year Population Estimates
About Western Area Health Trust. Although Social Services staff in the Board and in the Trusts have responsibility for child protection services, a multi-agency approach is absolutely essential. There is no doubt that assessing the requirements of and providing services to families whose children are in need of protection cannot be delivered by one agency alone. Child protection services including post registration practice requires close working relationships between a number of agencies, notably Social Services, Education, Health and the Police.
FAMILY INFORMATION CHILD CARE PROCESS Western Area Health Trust.What is Child Protection? What does a Child Protection Investigation involve? What happens if the investigation concludes that there is no cause for concern? What happens if abuse is found? What is the purpose of a Medical Examination? Do Parents have to agree to a Medical Examination? Will children be taken away from their parents? What is a Child Protection Case Conference? Confidentiality What is the purpose of a Child Protection Case Conference?
Western Area Child Protection
Western Area Child Protection Committee Members. The central aim of the Child Protection Panel is to secure inter-agency co-operation to influence the development and delivery of child protection so that the safety and well-being of children in this locality are advanced.
Checklist. The welfare of the child is of utmost importance to the court; any questions the court has surrounding a child and their upbringing must adhere to the Welfare Checklist which is found in section one (1) of The Children Act, 1989. Along with this checklist, the Family Court Reporter will request information from family associates, interview family members and watch interaction between the child and family members. The wording of the Welfare Checklist is as follows:
Social Work new Award Fermanagh Students. The Trusts in the Western Board Area have employed another 10 Trainees. GOOD NEWS FOR SOCIAL WORKERS New Social Work Award
Worst place to raise kids. Britain is one of the worst places in the world to bring up children, says Blair advisor